Going to a festival can be an absolutely amazing experience. If it’s only for one day or all weekend long, these 9 tips can help you stay Healthy and Happy while still enjoying the fun.

Fuel Up – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day especially when you go to a festival. Resist the temptation to skip breakfast and ensure you have lots of energy rich snacks like nuts, seeds and whole grains to keep you going throughout the weekend.

Stay Hydrated – Water will give you energy, keep you from getting sick and also prevent heat exhaustion, which is all too common at festivals. Remember to drink more water if you’re drinking alcohol. Most festivals have water filling stations in plenty of locations so find your closest one and make use of it! Check out our water intake calculator on Facebook or Twitter to find out the average recommended intake for your body weight. During festivals however, aim to increase this to about 2 cups an hour.

Festival Tips - Water Bottles


Sunburn – If you are lucky enough to find yourself at a festival in decent weather, take precautions. Apply some sun cream as soon as you get up if it is bright and sunny. Aloe Vera gel or calamine lotion will help if you do get a little burnt. Why not embrace the festival spirit and invest in a funky hat? Great for photos and for protection from the sun!


Colds & Flu – Keep your energy and immune system levels up by eating foods high in vitamins B and C, including tomatoes, seeds, nuts, spinach, oranges, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, yoghurt and whole grains. Juices & smoothies are a great way get a nutrient fix and you’ll be glad when you get home without catching a cold. Why not throw in a few nuts or seeds into your smoothie for a super cleanse!

Festival Tips - Juices & Smoothies

Find the medical centre – All major festivals will have medical centres for emergencies. When you arrive acquaint yourself with it’s location in case you need it later.

Keep Warm – If your clothes are wet, a drop in temperature – particularly at night – can lead to severe chills. Bring plenty of warm layers and a waterproof jacket. Green tea is a great tummy warmer for colder evenings and has the added bonus of containing polyphenols which act as antioxidants in the body.


Lack of sleep – Severe lack of sleep can lower your immune system, not to mention make you a little cranky. Try and keep your tent dry and ensure you have a sturdy and warm sleeping bag, and even a few pairs of fluffy socks to keep you cosy at night. Ensuring you get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep will go a long way in keeping you happier and healthier.

Festival Tips - Woolly Socks

Healthy Hunger Busters – It can be difficult to avoid and difficult to resist the convenience of a fast food meal at a festival when you’re hungry and just want to get fed fast! However, these types of foods can leave you feeling more sluggish overall and hungry again in an hour! Aim for lighter, healthier options such as freshly made wraps, sandwiches, salads, frozen yoghurt, fruit and plenty of water to keep you hydrated. Choose grilled foods rather than fried foods where possible and ask for wholegrain varieties of cereals and breads. Keep topped up on fruit to help keep you fuller and keep you dancing for longer!

Prepare- There’s a lot to organise and prepare before heading off to a festival- the tent, the hoodies, the wellies and not forgetting the baby wipes! Prepare some food too; you’ll be ready for when hunger strikes and you’ll save lots of money. Stock up on packs of unsalted mixed nuts, lightly salted popcorn, bananas, wholegrain cereals. You could even make a tub of homemade wholegrain pasta salad packed full of yummy vegetables, nuts, lean meats… the list goes on. For this, an investment in a cool bag would be really helpful to store some meals and grab and go!

Super Seed Snacks
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