Good4U Myth Busters: Sugar

Good4U Myth Busters: Sugar

Too Much Sugar Causes Diabetes Nope. Just nope. This is a big myth which I would like to seriously bust! Sugar is a type of carbohydrate (glucose) which occurs naturally in foods we eat every day like fruit, vegetables and dairy and it is needed to provide energy to...
Eating healthy while travelling

Eating healthy while travelling

Sometimes it may seem impossible to maintain a healthy balanced diet while travelling. Long hours in airports, train stations and car journeys up and down the country can make it difficult to resist popping into the takeaway or rolling up to the drive-through.  Eating...
Brain Boosting Foods For Kids

Brain Boosting Foods For Kids

Kids use up a lot of energy. We know that fuelling their bodies is so important to keep them healthy and going all day. Fuelling their mind is just as important. The brain uses glucose as an energy source so the correct foods as part of a healthy, balanced diet will...
Good4U Myth Busters: Gluten Free

Good4U Myth Busters: Gluten Free

“Gluten free is a healthier option” This is something that I hear every week and it seems that we are confused about gluten.Let me help out a little with that confusion. If a product is marketing itself as ‘gluten free’ it has been produced to suit people...
Good4U Myth Busters: Protein

Good4U Myth Busters: Protein

Protein: why do we care so much!? What is Protein and why are we obsessed with it!   Protein is a macronutrient, along with carbohydrates and fats and is made up of lots of amino acids which join together in the human body. It is mainly found in animal sources of...
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