Healthy eating can be affordable and easy. Sure, it may require some extra time to prepare food but after all your health is your wealth!

There are so many foods in every supermarket that are super healthy and very affordable. Yes, even for you students.


  • Tinned beans- try kidney, butter beans, black beans.. the list goes on. Beans are a great source of protein and fibre and they are also filling.
  • Lentils- do you pass them by in the supermarket without a second look? Well stop and pay attention because lentils are great, they’re full of fibre, potassium (more than a banana I’ll have you know), folate and when paired with a wholegrain they are a super source of protein. No meat needed!


  • Potatoes- the humble spud. Cheap, versatile, filling, nutritious. Mash them, boil them, steam them, bake them. No excuses now, eat them spuds.


  • Tinned fish – route out the tuna at the bag of the cupboard! It’s extremely tasty and versatile and full of protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids which are excellent for our brains and bodies. Try other tinned fish like mackerel and salmon. Plus, no prep required!
  • Frozen vegetables- these contain the same nutrients as fresh vegetables and are so easy to store and cook. Fill your trolley with your favourites and reap the rewards of all the vitamins and minerals packed into yummy vegetables. Add vegetables to meals to bulk them up and fill you up.


  • Eggs- these wonderful little nutrition-filled shells are powerhouses for your health. Stock up on them and learn to incorporate them into breakfast, lunch and dinner. They’re a rich source of protein and an array of fabulous vitamins and minerals. Crack ‘em open and get cooking


  • Snack on fruit and vegetables. Buy them in multipacks as they are usually cheaper per unit.


  • Keep wholegrain rice, pasta, cous cous and porridge oats in the cupboard. These are all nutritious and super versatile. A big bag of any of these will cost you very little but make sure it’s a wholegrain variety- much better for ya.


  • Stock up on spices and seasonings to flavour your food and keep it interesting. These little pots of yum are cheap and can be stored for ages!

Now, you have NO EXCUSES. Plan your shopping ahead and buy in season. You’ll look and feel so much better and that wallet won’t feel half as bad as you think!

Be healthy, be happy..

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