Happy New Year! Sure, the festivities are over and it’s back to reality. Your Instagram feed is full of detox teas and crazy looking fitness regimes. Where do you start?! Fear not, being healthier is not that hard. In fact, it’s quite simple to feel and look better and not just for January – for all of the year. Stick to these simple changes and 2018 will be fabulous!


  1. Eat real food: Choose fruit, vegetables and grains instead of processed foods where possible. Be aware of portion sizes and learn to stop eating when you are full and not absolutely stuffed! Aim to reduce intake of added sugars in processed foods also. This can easily be achieved by sticking to real food.
  2. Hydrate: You’ve heard it before but it really is so important to keep hydrated for overall health. Hydration keeps skin and hair healthy and helps us to focus and maintain concentration. Fluids don’t just mean water! Tea, coffee, milk etc can also count towards your fluid intake for the day. Aim to choose sugar free options though and if you don’t like the taste of water on it’s own why not try it with some lemon or lime? Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day and you’ll need more if the temperature if is warmer or if you are partaking in  physical activity.

3. Move more: No, I’m not going to say join a gym! Simply moving more on a daily basis can greatly improve mood, energy levels and overall health. If you have a sedentary job aim to stretch your legs for a few minutes every hour. Why not use your lunch hour to take a walk around the block? Some people may find it motivating to track your steps using your smartphone or watch.

4. Take some time out: Life is busy and it can be so difficult to simply sit down and breathe for a few minutes. This year aim to take a least five minutes every day to sit down and breathe. This can be anywhere that works for you. Just make sure it’s quiet and is somewhere you are comfortable without distractions. Many people find that mindfulness apps can help them to achieve this. Find what works for you! Mindfulness and meditation can help to reduce anxiety, stress, pain, blood pressure and improve sleep.

5. Spend time with family and friends: Accept that invitation for dinner, call your auntie! A good chin wag never hurt anyone. Your family and friends are your support system for when you need them and you are theirs. Keep them close.

Your year is what you make it! Make these simple changes and you’ll reap the rewards!

Emma 🙂




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