Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be getting any warmer, and as the temperature drops we become tempted to fill our bellies with creamy soups, rich pasta dishes and cheesy breads.

Instead of over indulging, why not satisfy your comfort food cravings with healthy foods. Foods loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help your body boost its way through the chilly winter months. Read on to discover some of our go to favourite winter warmers foods, their nutritional benefits and some soul warming recipes.


You just can’t beat a bowl of piping hot porridge on a winter’s morning! Oats are packed with nutritional benefits. They are rich in fibre which helps keep you feeling fuller for longer and helps promote a healthy digestive system. Oats contain beta-glucan, a type of fibre well known for supporting heart health, lowering cholesterol and also boosting immune systems which is essential this time of the year!

You can also enhance the nutritional value of your porridge bowl with the toppings you add! Why not add a sprinkle of Good4U Apple and Cinnamon Super Seeds to boost your magnesium intake to help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Try our recipe here.

Green Vegetables

Bursting with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, make sure to stock stock up on your green veggies this winter! Broccoli is packed with Vitamin C, an essential Vitamin for supporting your immune system while also promoting healthy skin. A serving of broccoli actually has more Vitamin C than a medium orange.

Vitamin K is known to play a role in maintaining the skeleton. A deficiency in Vitamin K has been linked with a high risk of bone fractures, making it one to consider this time of year with the icy weather! Try our yummy Good4U Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Sweet Potato

Not only a delicious and versatile vegetable, it also has an abundance of nutritional benefits. Sweet potatoes provide a slow release of energy, helping ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to tiredness and fatigue. Sweet Potatoes are rich in Beta-Carotene which supports the normal function of our immune system while also supporting our eye health. They also contain Vitamin D, needed for maintaining bone and teeth health. Vitamin D is essential during the winter months due to our limited sunshine. Get our Roast Veg Lasagne Recipe here.


Nothing satisfies a comfort food craving like a rich chocolate dessert and our delicious Good4U Cacao Mousse is the perfect guilt free option!

It’s packed full of superfoods, with cacao powder, which is a strong antioxidant as well as a source of Iron and full of Magnesium for plenty of energy! The Avocados are a high-antioxidant food that contain lutein, a type of carotenoid that helps protect eye health. Get the recipe <ahref=”http://archival.good4u.co/healthyrecipes/good4u-cacao-mousse/”>here!

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