It’s still pretty cold out so of course we’re craving a hot beverage. But don’t you want a nice hot caffeine induced latte with something extra…. health benefits!? Hmmm yes please, I’ll have one of them!

If you ask my grandparents generation what a speciality coffee is, they would probably reply a latte or a cappuccino, maybe at a push they might say swapping out ordinary milk with oat, soya or a popular nut milk. But now in 2018, speciality coffee is a whole new world. Some speciality coffees imply they have an added healthy kick. These include beetroot lattes, turmeric lattes, matcha lattes and that’s just the beginning, with some places serving carrot cake lattes, mushroom lattes and rainbow lattes.

According to Pinterest, healthier coffee options have increased by 218% in the saved pins. That is a huge increase! One coffee exploring chef talks about the novelty factor being the highest factor to purchase one of these speciality coffees, but now consumers are more informed and know the supposed medicinal properties of these amazingly colourful lattes.

Places like St Kilda, Matcha Mylkbar in Melbourne, have gone all out on pastel coffees. They have blue algae in one latte and have named it ‘Smurf latte’, while also incorporating purple sweet potato into some, calling it ‘purple peanut butter latte’. However, Ireland isn’t quite there with their full speciality coffee range. Places in Ireland include places like, Starbucks and Insomnia coffee shops serve the matcha lattes and the turmeric lattes, so you can try them out if you fancy it!

So, what are these added health benefits that make this coffee extra brewtiful? (P.S sorry for the awful pun).

Beetroot lattes – Beetroot is full of potassium which regulates blood pressure. It is also great for detoxifying the body’s liver from unwanted substances. Although these health benefits are associated with beetroot, you will not get a full health benefit from drinking one beetroot latte a week unfortunately. Research has found that you have to consume at least 500ml of beetroot juice per day to see any beneficial reduction of blood pressure.

Matcha lattes – if you want an extra energy boost then definitely a matcha latte is for you. It’s packed full of energy, immune boosting, detoxifying and cholesterol lowering properties. Apparently, you get a better caffeine high, meaning you get less of an adrenaline spike and when that ends you don’t get an energy crash. A matcha high is more a steady balanced high, with no energy crash at the end. Matcha only has a quarter of the caffeine in it that coffee does, which makes for a brilliant on the go beverage or just a quick pick me up drink wherever you may be. Research has been conducted comparing matcha and regular green tea, revealing that matcha contains 137 times more EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate – type of catechin which is a polyphenol) than just normal green tea. This EGCG plays a role in our body by being an anti-inflammatory agent as well as an antioxidant, keeping the free radicals (disease causing molecules) at bay.

Turmeric lattes – adds a beneficial powerful antioxidant to your latte. This antioxidant, called curcumin is found in the root of turmeric. It aids in reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and boosting your metabolism, while boosting your immune system. After storm Emma I’ll have one of those please! While it gives you all the best properties for fighting off colds and flus and protecting your body from inflammation it is also caffeine free. But remember having just one of these lattes a week, won’t give you the full health benefit as they are made with dried turmeric powder. Dried turmeric powder only contains 5% curcumin. Dried turmeric is great to use but if you can get your hands of fresh turmeric, it contains more curcumin allowing the great benefits to work their magic!

Charcoal latte – This is all about cleansing the body. It absorbs the toxins while approaching the digestive system. Hence it is great for your microbiome or in other words, your gut health. Charcoal has recently emerged as a huge trending skin care product. It has great absorption and adsorptive abilities. Both of these properties attach to unwanted dirt and toxins to help unclog of pores, removing impurities and exfoliating.

Lavender latte – If you are just feeling stressed, anxious or depressed this little latte will be perfect for you. Lavender relaxes the body and mind causing cortisol (stress hormone) levels to be reduced. In another research study, lavender was found to be therapeutic in the management of mild to moderate depression. Imagine sitting by the fire all cosy and drinking one of these peaceful lattes. A perfect night in after a stressful day at the office!

A pick me up and great flavours definitely give these a go! I know I will be on the hunt for these unique coffees – I mean whats not to love?! Coloured beverages, more energy and less caffeine!



  • Webb, N. Patel, S. Loukogeorgakis, M. Okorie, Z. Aboud, S. Misra, R. Rashid, P. Miall, J. Deanfield, N. Benjamin, R. MacAllister, A. J. Hobbs, A. Ahluwalia. (2008) Acute Blood Pressure Lowering, Vasoprotective, and Antiplatelet Properties of Dietary Nitrate via Bioconversion to Nitrite. Hypertension, Vol. 51 (3): 784 DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.103523
  • Queen Mary, University of London. (2008) Daily Glass Of Beet Juice Can Beat High Blood Pressure, Study Shows. ScienceDaily. Available at:
  • J. Weiss., C.R. Anderton. (2003) Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. Vol. 1011, 173-180.
  • Matcha Source (n.d) health benefits of matcha tea. Available at
  • M, Toda., K, Morimoto. (2008) Effect of lavender aroma on salivary endocrinological stress markers. Archives of Oral Biology. Vol. 53(10), 964-968.
  • S, Akhondzadeh., L, Kashani., A, Fotouhi., S, Jarvandi., M, Mobaseri., H, Khani., A,H, Jamshidi., K, Baghalian., M, Taghizadeh. (2003) Comparison of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Tincture and impipramine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized trial. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. Vol 27(1), 123-127.
  • McKay, D.L., Blumberg, J. (2007) Roles of Epigallocatechin Gallate in Cardiovascular Disease and Obesity: An Introduction. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol 26 (4), pp 362S-365S
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