Summer can be a difficult time for keeping kids busy and reducing the number of times you hear ‘I’m boooored’! We’ve put together some of our favorite childhood games which are simple, cheap and most importantly, fun!


  1. Bug hunt – hear me out! Send the kids out with magnifying glasses, a notepad and a pencil and ask them to draw the bugs they find. They can then figure out what they are later in the day. Perfect adventurers!


  1. Organise a mini treasure hunt in your own garden with whatever bits and bobs you have around the house.


  1. Grab a paint roller and a bucket of water and let the kids do ‘water painting’ on pavements. They’ll love it!


  1. Paint old shoes multicolours! A little messier I know but think of the fun they’ll have!


  1. Build a fort in the garden, living room, bedroom, wherever you have space. Use cardboard boxes, cushions or anything else that’s safe to use.


  1. Have a mini sports day. Organise games like the three legged race, egg and spoon race and sack race. Fun for all the family.


  1. Indoor bowling – this can be done so simply with a soft ball or some socks rolled into a ball and plastic bottles.


  1. Collect some rocks or shells from the beach and decorate them with whatever crafts you have.


  1. Have a picnic and bring some Good4U snacks!


  1. Make healthy ice lollies (check out our latest post for recipe ideas).
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