School mornings aren’t easy! Getting to the car on time can often have us running around like headless chickens even on the best of days.

Believe it or not, you can make it happen- preparation is key…


  1. Create a list of morning tasks and stick them on the fridge- have the kids check them off once they are complete (pictures are great for little ones who can’t read).


  1. Have the kids lay out their all of their school uniforms the night before.


  1. Encourage little ones to get ready all on their own (or with as little help as possible) and use a reward such as screen time once they’re ready.


  1. Keep shoes in same place and make sure they’re there the night before.


  1. Delegate the locking of the doors, feeding of pets and grabbing their lunches before running out the door.


  1. Have the lunch packed the night before, just add anything from the refrigerator in the morning.


  1. Don’t make a complicated breakfast, smoothies are quick and easy and a great way to get fruit and veg into your diet.


  1. Have a container in the car with spare socks, hair ties, or other emergency items you might need.


  1. Have your own clothes prepared the night before- the quicker you get ready the quicker you can sort out the kids.


  1. Make it a game, pretend that have to leave house by certain time or you’ll be locked inside. Then if you arrive at school on time all week, have a little reward on Fridays.


Good Luck!!

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